™ is your home for industry leading information on shooting, hunting and reloading. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best wisdom on how to become a better shooter and hunter. Check out the in-depth gun reviews and related articles on guns, gear and training below.
Gun Reviews

First 7mm PRC Handloads
Hornady has hit another new sweet spot with the 7mm PRC, launching high-BC, heavy bullets to long ranges accurately.

7mm PRC Effective Range
Learn the effective range of Hornady’s new 7mm PRC for hunting and long-range precision shooting.

Deep Sixing Coyotes with Hornady’s 6mm ARC
Not just a coyote buster, the 6mm ARC is set to blast the venerable 7.62mm NATO cartridge out of the saddle, too.

Rock River Arms LAR-15 | LAR 15 Rifle Review
The Rock River Arms .223 LAR-15 Fred Eichler Series Predator Rifle paws it’s way to the top of the food chain!

6mm ARC Effective Range
The 6mm ARC provides an extreme range of capability for hunting, competition and tactical applications in an AR-15 platform.

Handloading for Ruger’s American Predator Rifle in 6.5 Grendel
Built especially for an AR, the 6.5 Grendel cartridge and rifle combination has the terminal ballistics that works well for whitetails and competition, and the choice of Modern Sporting Rifle packages is pretty broad.

Christensen Arms CA-15 Rifle Review
The Christensen Arms CA-15 is powerful, lightweight and ready to engage out to 800 yards.

Game Gettin’ 6.5 Grendel
Alexander Arms’ whitetail- and hog-ready AR brings added power and precision! Check out Jay’s review and favorite loads of this excellent modern sporting rifle.

300 Blackout Bolt Gun
ARs, PDWs and pistols in 300 Blackout are a hoot to shoot suppressed, but for the ultimate in quiet try a 300 Blackout in a bolt-action rifle.

Working Man’s Sport Utility Rifle
APO’s SABRE-M700… A workingman’s 6.5 Creedmoor sport utility rifle for hunting and rural defense against predators of the four- and two-legged variety.

6.5 Grendel Effective Range
I was shooting my 6.5 Grendel rifle at the range today, and I wondered what is the effective range of this cartridge for hunting and target shooting?

Alexander Arms’ upgraded .17 HMR gets downrange and dirty, but keep on popping ‘em!

Building and Feeding the 7.62×40 Wilson Tactical Rifle
The 7.62x40WT rifle really shines when you want to shoot high velocity bullets with plenty of punch for medium-size game.

.338 Spectre is a Pig Thumper!
Follow along as we handload for this .338 caliber subsonic round to run in an AR-platform rifle.

Get Loaded for Wylde Times with Ashbury Precision Ordnance’s APO .223
Downsizing to a slight recoiling rifle often leads to predictable performance on the range and in the field. With that precedent in mind, Asbury Precision Ordnance created their new ASW223 bolt-action rifle.

Serbu 50 BMG Semi-Auto
This Serbu 50 BMG semi-auto workhorse puts rounds on target at distance in a hurry.

6.8 Remington SPC: Spec 1 vs. Spec 2
The 6.8 Remington SPC has been around for a few years, but few shooters realize that not knowing which chamber spec their rifle is can lead to a dangerous mishap.

JP Enterprises LRP-07 Buck Buster
The JP Enterprises’ LRP-07H is a low-recoiling side-charging .308 that earns its place at the top of the long-range hunting and competition heap!

Umarex Gauntlet Airgun’s a ‘Possum Punisher
Pneumatic air rifles have come a long way over the past 50 years, and Umarex has thrown down its own “Gauntlet” in the crowded airgun marketplace.

Blast from the Past–Marlin’s Levermatic .256 Winchester Magnum
Jay Langston reviews this classic lever rifle and tests the most effective handloads that are available for shooters today.

Christensen Arms Ranger .22
If you are looking for a quality, light-weight rifle for small game hunting capable of target-grade accuracy, look no further.

Savage Axis XP 2 – Impressive Accuracy…Extreme Value
If you’re looking for a hunting-ready 6.5 Creedmoor rifle package for around $500, look no further than the Savage Axis II XP.

Sauer Introduces SL5 Turkey Shotguns
J.P. Sauer and Sohn, Germany’s oldest manufacturer of hunting firearms, is pleased to introduce new high-performance SL5 Turkey shotguns.

Marlin Glenfield Model 60 .22 LR Classic
The Marlin Glenfield Model 60 is revered by many rimfire enthusiasts as one of the most accurate and affordable semi-auto .22 rifles made.

Ruger SR-762 Buck Buster
The Ruger SR-762 rifle can hold its own on the range, and it really shines as a deer-killing machine.

Favorite H&K 91 clone: The PTR Hunter .308
Out to 300 yards the PTR 91 Hunter .308 will do its job to put some meat in your freezer and racks on your wall next fall.

Lyman Ideal Sharps
Lyman’s Sharps scaled down replica chambered in .38-55 Winchester pulls double duty as a range rifle and a hunter.

Black Rain Ordnance .308 AR Rifle
The Black Rain Ordnance’s PG-13 will suit the needs of serious professionals as well as those of the weekend gun club plinker with a desire for a serious 7.62 NATO semi-auto.

Iver Johnson Shotguns: A Blast from the Past
With law enforcement budget cuts hanging like a black cloud, the budget-conscious Iver Johnson PAS-12 pump might give some relief when looking for a duty shotgun.

Building a Mega Arms MATEN .308 with JP Rifle parts
The Mega MATEN is a solid foundation for any rifle build. Put the right parts together it produces one of the best shooting rifles you can wrap your hands around.

Whatever Happened to Sabre Defense?
Sabre Defense built Rolex-quality ARs and M16s for the federal government, but got shut down by the Feds when they ignored laws.

Can’t-Miss Creedmoor
The 6.5mm Creedmoor and its little brother, the 6mm Creedmoor provide accuracy and low recoil.
Pistol Reviews

The Sig P365 9mm Game-Changer
Sig Sauer revolutionized the concealed carry market with the release of their high-capacity micro-compact P365 9mm pistol.

Taking the Ruger LCP to the MAX
The new Ruger LCP MAX changes the game in the high-capacity micro-pistol market!

Beretta APX A1 FS9 Full-Size Double-Stack First Shots
Gun writers from around the globe gathered in Nashville, Tennessee in mid-May to get some first-hand experience with Beretta’s just-released APX A1 FS 9mm pistol.

Ruger-5.7 Pistol
The Ruger-5.7 is a game-changer and the best thing to happen to the 5.7x28mm cartridge since its inception.

Effective Bear Medicine-the .500 JRH
If you’re looking for a handgun that can easily terminate the biggest animals in North America, Magnum Research’s BFR in .500 JRH is a fantastic choice.

Hit the range with country music up-and-comer CJ Solar.
What’s a better way to spend an afternoon than talking guns and music on a pickup truck tailgate… while we reload mags for more range time? CJ Solar reviews the Walther Q5 Match, PPQ and PPS.

Sig MPX K vs. Ruger PC Charger
Enjoy a head-to-head comparison of two excellent pistol-caliber pistols that look like carbines and need serious consideration.

Smith & Wesson Model 648 22Mag Revolver Reintroduced
Smith & Wesson’s first bite at the .22 Magnum apple was a success with their earlier Model 648, and this new version is ripe for the picking.

Top 10 Favorites: .22 Rimfire Camp Revolvers
Check out these .22 rimfire camp revolvers that are perfect as camping or hiking companions.

.357 SIG 1911 TACOPS
An uncommon 1911 chambered in the potent .357 Sig cartridge hammers targets.
Optics Reviews

Mil Dot Scopes Are the Long-Range Hunter’s Friend
This simplified approach to Mil Dot scopes will help hunters put these tools to good use.

Tract TORIC UHD 4-20X50 PRS Rifle Scope Review
If you’re looking for an affordable long-range scope with the features and glass quality of scopes that typically cost double or more, look no further than the Tract TORIC PRS scope.

FLIR Night Vision Deployed at Gunsite Academy
You know a manufacturer is truly serious about their new products when they bring a bevy of gun writers to Gunsite Academy, and FLIR jumped into the deep end of the commercial night vision pool in 2018.

Pulsar Thermion XG50 Thermal Hunting Optic
Pulsar’s new Thermion XG50 thermal riflescope was among several new products showcased at Athlon Outdoors’ annual writer Rendezvous in Driggs, Idaho.

Dead Zone Target Tunes Scope to Rifle
Learning how to tune a scope to a rifle is an important skill every marksman needs. One way to assure that your rifle and scope are aligned correctly is to shoot, adjust your scope through its elevation range and shoot again.
Other Gear

Caveat Emptor ChiCom Crap!
Look what happened when the Chinese stole Atlas Bi-Pods’ patent and made cheap junk!

SilencerCo Launches New Osprey 2.0 with Enhanced Usability
SilencerCo is launching a 2.0 version of their iconic Osprey 9 and Osprey 45 suppressors that includes a key new feature.
Training & Shooting Tips

A New Twist to an Old Game: Get in the Spin Zone
Learn veteran hunter and long-range shooter Gary Cook’s fool-proof system for popping predators at 600-plus yards!

Safety First: 4 Basic Rules of Firearm Security
Novices and experienced shooters alike should follow a simple set of rules to avoid mishaps. These four rules, practiced by a multitude of military personnel and law enforcement officers, are the first things committed to memory before touching a firearm in the line of service.

Tips for Training First-Time Shooters
My highest career priority is to work toward enabling future generations to be able to enjoy the same hunting and shooting freedoms that have existed in America for generations. To that end, we’ve compiled a few tips when it’s time to initiate a new shooter.

Handguns A to Z
A quick walk through a well-stocked gun shop and today’s handgun buying choices might seem daunting, but a mental dash through firearms history will help sort things out.

Gun Storage at Home & On The Road
Owning a firearm is a big responsibility, and part of that burden goes far beyond safely handling it. You’ve got to know that your firearms are properly stored when not in use.

Legally Armed
This article gives a sample of some of the things you might hear in a carry gun class, as well as how carry laws vary by state.

First Time at a Gun Shop
You’ve done your homework, surfing the web, reading magazines like this, and asking friends in the know about guns for some advice. You’re ready to purchase your first gun. Now’s the time to take the next logical step and make a few trips to local gun shops. Here’s some advice to make the experience less intimidating and give you an idea of what to expect.

A Clean Gun is a Safe Gun
After a day at the range honing your handgun skills it’s obvious that your new pistol isn’t as jiffy clean as it was a few hours before. It’s a given: Guns get dirty after use. Keeping them clean is a lot more about smooth, reliable function than a gleaming gun.

Rifle Recoil Reducing Rests
Tame the beast and cure bad cases of “flinchitis” with these rifle recoil reducing rests.

Accuracy Problems? Give it a Rest with a Bulls Bag X7
More than a decade has passed and this Bulls Bag X7 shooting rest is still going strong.

Are NFA Gun Trusts Worth Consideration?
An NFA gun trust has several advantages over individual registration of Class III weapons.