You’ve done your homework, surfing the web, reading magazines like this, and asking friends in the know about guns for some advice. You’re ready to purchase your first gun. Now what?
Now’s the time to take the next logical step and make a few trips to local gun shops. Here’s some advice to make the experience less intimidating and give you an idea of what to expect.
I’ve shopped in countless gun shops from coast to coast, and they’ve ranged from sleepy little shops with a dozen rifles, shotguns and pistols on display, to outfits with more than a thousand guns in gleaming glass cases and racks that seemed to go on forever. The big shops with a lot of traffic can be a great place to shop, but the selection can be mind boggling. One of these big shops is the best place to visit as a novice, though.
Let’s assume that you are going it alone, instead of going with an experienced friend. You walk through the door and you might be greeted by a number of signs by any number of famous gun manufacturers, and a sign that says something like “NO LOADED GUNS ON THE PREMESIS,” or “ANY LOADED GUNS MUST STAY HOLSTERED AT ALL TIMES.” Basically, the gun shop owner wants a safe environment where customers can comfortably and safely handle their merchandise. Shop owners don’t want customers who, say, already have their handgun carry permit and exercise their privilege to go armed to handle loaded weapons in an unsafe manner among a shop full of patrons.
In the better shops you’ll quickly be greeted by a smiling salesperson. My best advice is to tell them you’re just browsing at first. Take some time to look around the shop to get a feel for what’s available. After making some mental notes about the various products available, walk over to the glass cases and check them out. If you see someone else talking to a salesperson and looking at a handgun, pretend that you’re looking at something nearby and do some eavesdropping.
You can learn a lot by listening to someone else who may be in a similar situation as you. You never know what you’ll learn as you listen to other customers and the salespeople working with them.
Now it’s time to do some comparison shopping… and I don’t mean price. When you have picked out the salesperson you want to work with (if there’s more than one) let them know you need some help. Let’s say that you are in the market for a pistol for personal protection, so let them know this if they haven’t already asked.
The most popular pistol cartridge is the 9mm Parabellum.
One of the first questions a salesperson should ask is whether or not you have or will soon receive a handgun carry permit. This will help them narrow the selection. If you aren’t going to lug the pistol around in a holster on your belt or in a bag, then weight isn’t as much of a factor. If the pistol you seek is going to be stowed in a bedside table, then it won’t matter as much if it is heavier. Weight and size make a difference if you plan to carry it every day.
This might be your first gun purchase, but it may or may not be the first time you have ever handled a pistol. Keep in mind that the sales people you are working with know gun handling safety rules backwards and forwards, as well as many of the store’s patrons. When the salesperson hands you a gun, pay close attention to where you point it. Experienced shooters have a real allergy toward having a gun, even an unloaded gun in a shop, pointed directly at them. In gun shop etiquette, I guess you could say it’s rude to point a gun at someone else. If the salesperson doesn’t show you that the gun is unloaded before handing it to you, take it upon yourself to double-check yourself. Keep your finger off the trigger until you verify that the gun is indeed unloaded. If you are uncertain about something, don’t be afraid to ask.
Feel & Fit
As you handle various pistols you will notice that many feel quite different. When you are testing out the feel and fit of a pistol, form a “V” with your thumb and fingers and press the pistol’s grip deeply into the notch formed. Grip the pistol as high as possible to the centerline of the barrel as possible. Grip it firmly. You will notice that different grip panel styles feel either sharp and “edgy” or smooth. Pick the one you’re most comfortable with and try several of that style.
Ask the salesperson if it ok to “dry fire” the pistol, and they’ll typically say “yes.” If it is a semi-auto, draw the slide back fully, and if it locks back on the empty magazine, use the slide release lever to let it slide back into battery. Sometimes you will need to use both hands to activate the slide release. Release the safety while pointing it toward the floor and gently press the trigger until you hear the audible click or see the hammer fall. Do it again. You will notice that some pistols take more trigger finger strength to fire than others. Make a mental note of what feels the most comfortable.
When you test a revolver, rest it on its side in the palm of your left hand. Push or pull the cylinder release with your right hand while using the middle finger of your left hand to gently push the cylinder open. Visually check to see that it is empty, and then close it back. Cock the hammer and feel the amount of pressure it takes to drop the hammer. Now, pull it double-action (without cocking it) to get a feel for how much more pressure it takes for the hammer to fall.
Make it a goal to try at least a dozen different pistols, and twice that number isn’t excessive. Take the time to discuss caliber choices. The most popular caliber for self-defense pistols sold these days is the 9mm Parabellum (or Luger).
Revolver Pros & Cons
Once a double-action revolver is loaded it takes the least amount of motor skills coordination to fire. Just point, squeeze and fire. In a life-and-death, high-stress situation this can be a game changer that could tilt the odds in your favor. Some of the most popular light-weight, short-barreled revolvers only hold five rounds, while the standard is six rounds. It can take a few moments to reload, and it can be difficult if unfamiliar in stressful situations. Limited capacity is definitely a con.
Semi-Auto Pros & Cons

Semi-auto pistols are typically heavier than revolvers, but that extra weight brings some advantages. More weight means that they are more manageable under recoil. Many common mid-size semi-autos have much greater capacity, too. It’s a good bet that you can find a semi-auto that feels good with a cartridge capacity from 15 to 18 rounds. Some semi-auto pistols are quite small, too. A .380 ACP with a single-stack magazine holding six or seven rounds can be covered with an average sized hand.
Keep some of these tips in mind, learn as you go and enjoy your first trip to the local gun shop.
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