SilencerCo is launching a 2.0 version of their iconic Osprey 9 and Osprey 45 suppressors.

The Osprey 2.0 has the addition of one very important feature – a button. This button will enhance the user experience and make this suppressor easier to use (and it looks better than ever).

My favorite can
I’ve had a Gen 1 Osprey for several years and it’s my go-to for suppressing 45 ACP and 9mm. I’ve got others to choose from when I test a host weapon, but the SilencerCo Osprey is the most accuracy enhancing can I have used. It’s served recently as the can to test a Sig MPX-K and a Ruger PC Charger, and it helped these 9mm shoot ragged one-hole groups at 25 yards.

My favorite attribute of the SilencerCo Osprey is its build. It’s oblong with the bore running along the upper portion of the can. This allows the use of standard-height pistol sights. My Osprey is a .45 caliber can, so swapping out attachment parts allows mounting on a 9mm, too.
The Osprey 2.0 will begin shipping this month. Check out the Osprey 2.0, it uses a single button to properly index to a host firearm. This will make the Osprey more robust, more reliable and allow for a quick and secure alignment. It will also make the suppressor more repeatable, meaning the shooter will be able to consistently put it in the same position on every firearm.

Get a new button
Previous Osprey versions used a lever mechanism to align the suppressor. Aside from the magic button, everything else about the Osprey 2.0 is essentially the same as the original. It still has the same impressive sound signature and eccentric design to accommodate standard pistol sights.
“Our goal is to create the best user experience possible,” said SilencerCo Product Manager, Andrew
Herbst. “By simplifying the indexing system on the Osprey, we have taken a top performing product and
made it quicker and easier to use.”
One thing customers need to keep in mind is that the SilencerCo Osprey 2.0 is not retrofittable with old Osprey
parts. Due to the placement of the ATF required serial number on the back cap, anyone needing to send
in their original Osprey to SilencerCo’s Warranty department will receive a repaired suppressor with the
same lever mechanism. Customers will continue to be taken care of and can have their original Osprey
serviced, it just won’t be replaced with the new button system.

Product Specifications:
- New indexing button for fast and secure alignment
- Eccentric offset design allows for use of most factory pistol sights
- Osprey 9 2.0: weighs 8.8 oz. and is 6.9” long
- Osprey 45 2.0: weighs 9.2 oz. and is 7.9” long
- Constructed of aluminum and 17-4 stainless steel0
- Compatible with pistons and fixed barrel spacers
- Can be shot “wet” by using 5cc of water or wire-pulling gel
- MSRP of $840.00
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