Fastest & Most Accurate RCBS Powder Dispenser Yet – The MatchMaster

MatchMaster powder dispenser delivers precision 0.04 grain accuracy with dual tube dispensing technology.

RCBS, the leading manufacturer of ammunition reloading equipment for rifles and pistols, announced that it has released the company’s fastest and most accurate powder dispenser with the launch of their new RCBS MatchMaster.

After a year with a MatchMaster on my reloading bench, it’s become the go-to powder dispenser for everyday handloading chores.

The new RCBS Matchmaster saves users precious time on the reloading bench while promoting maximum accuracy. Featuring precise 0.04 grain consistent measurements it offers a new patent pending dual tube dispensing technology for enhanced speed.

Among its many design enhancements, the one-piece Matchmaster unit features an LCD touchscreen display. It’s Bluetooth compatible with the new RCBS app, too. This exclusive compatibility provides complete user control to calibrate scales and dispense powder in auto or manual modes.

Pre-configured powder types readily are accessible. Handloaders now have the ability to create and or modify their own customized powder configurations in order to easily fine tune their favorite loads.

Through the MatchMaster’s patent pending dual tube dispensing technology, the dispenser is capable of delivering quick charges, each delivering between 0.10 and 0.04 grain accuracy every time. MatchMaster is a sophisticated measuring instrument, and it takes some time to learn its functions. Once these are mastered and the machine fine-tuned, it will live up to the hype. The ultimate goal is consistency, which allows handloaders to obtain the most reliable performance possible while promoting confidence in each individual round.

The MatchMaster delivers charges in two mode configurations: Standard mode and Match mode. Standard mode drops charges to 0.10 grain accuracy in under 20 seconds while the Match mode drops charges to 0.04 grain accuracy.

Other standard features include a patent-pending Bottom Drain function with open drain alert. This exclusive combination ensures users will never experience unwanted powder on their bench when filling the dispenser.

“The new RCBS Matchmaster has taken powder dispensing and weighing to the next level,” said Will Hemeyer, Sr. Product Line Manager for RCBS. “With its user adjustable powder settings, Bluetooth compatibility, and revolutionary dual tube dispense technology, the Matchmaster reduces reloading time. And, it simplifies the entire operation all while maintaining zero impact to charge accuracy.” You can purchase one for yourself at Brownells.

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