™ is your home for industry leading information on shooting, hunting, handloading and reloading. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best wisdom on how to become a better shooter and hunter. Check out the articles on handloading and reloading ammunition below.

First 7mm PRC Handloads
Hornady has hit another new sweet spot with the 7mm PRC, launching high-BC, heavy bullets to long ranges accurately.

Handloading for Ruger’s American Predator Rifle in 6.5 Grendel
Built especially for an AR, the 6.5 Grendel cartridge and rifle combination has the terminal ballistics that works well for whitetails and competition, and the choice of Modern Sporting Rifle packages is pretty broad.

Game Gettin’ 6.5 Grendel
Alexander Arms’ whitetail- and hog-ready AR brings added power and precision! Check out Jay’s review and favorite loads of this excellent modern sporting rifle.

9 Top Tips for Handloading AR-15 Ammo
There’s a lot going on when you squeeze the trigger of an AR. When the sear breaks, you better know that your ammo is up to the task, especially if you handload. Add these tips to your loading repertoire to build more consistent, reliable and accurate ammunition.

Loading The New 300 PRC
I’ve been working with the new .300 PRC since Hornady introduced it in 2018, and after feeding a couple of rifles a steady diet of factory loads I was ready to try my hand at improving an already stellar cartridge with a few handloads.

Cast bullets for feeding your AR
Sweating Bullets: The workingman’s guide to do-it-yourself bullet casting to beat the ammo shortage!

Valkyrie Venom: Feeding the .224 Valkyrie
After testing four different .224 Valkyrie rifles over the past few months, I’ve got a pile of empty brass that’s begging to be reloaded. Taking what I’ve learned from firing more than 2,000 factory rounds of the new cartridge in every bullet weight offered has taught me a few things about what works and what doesn’t.

Creating a .221 Fireball Fanatic
The .22 Nosler and .224 Valkyrie have been heralded as the competing end-all be-alls for the shooter addicted to speed and high-volume shooting capabilities. But, sometimes, less is more, or to borrow the words of Goldilocks’ friend, Baby Bear, less is “just right.”

Harnessing Hornady’s 6mm ARC with Accurate Handloads
New cartridges can be a roll of the dice for ammo and gun manufacturers. One thing that can really give a new cartridge a boost is military use and legitimacy, and the 6mm Advanced Rifle Cartridge (ARC) earned that elite status before ever hitting retail shelves.

Easy Reloading: 300 Blackout AR-Style Rifle
Popularity of the 300 AAC Blackout continues to track upward as Remington’s capacity to produce factory fodder caught up with demand for this reborn cartridge. Since the 300 Blackout’s production is still a fraction of 5.56 NATO ammunition, though, its price is relatively high in comparison. Handloading is a prime option to feed your 300 Blackout and save some money.

.338 Spectre is a Pig Thumper!
Follow along as we handload for this .338 caliber subsonic round to run in an AR-platform rifle.

JP Enterprises LRP-07 Buck Buster
The JP Enterprises’ LRP-07H is a low-recoiling side-charging .308 that earns its place at the top of the long-range hunting and competition heap! Check out some of Jay’s favorite loads for it.

Blast from the Past–Marlin’s Levermatic .256 Winchester Magnum
Jay Langston reviews this classic lever rifle and tests the most effective handloads that are available for shooters today.

A New Twist to an Old Game: Get in the Spin Zone
Learn veteran hunter and long-range shooter Gary Cook’s fool-proof system for popping predators at 600-plus yards!

10mm Auto in a Revolver? You Bet!
A Ruger Redhawk goes head-to-head with a Smith & Wesson 610 to find the hottest handloads. “With bear encounters in the back of my mind, I thought I’d dispense with trying to find the best target load and raise the horsepower on 10mm loads that will perform in either the Ruger or Smith 10mm.”

Effective Bear Medicine-the .500 JRH
If you’re looking for a handgun that can easily terminate the biggest animals in North America, Magnum Research’s BFR in .500 JRH is a fantastic choice. Find out some of the best performing loads for the JRH.

Looking for the Latest Handloading Components? Check Out This Bullet Bonanza
Check out some of these new bullets from Hornady, Federal, Sierra and more to feed your favorite new rifle.

Fastest & Most Accurate RCBS Powder Dispenser Yet – The MatchMaster
MatchMaster powder dispenser delivers precision 0.04 grain accuracy with dual tube dispensing technology. RCBS, the leading manufacturer of ammunition reloading equipment for rifles and pistols, announced that it has released the company’s fastest and most accurate powder dispenser with the launch of their new RCBS MatchMaster.

Feeding Rock River Arms’ .458 SOCOM
Meet Rock River Arms’ .458 SOCOM big-bore–the hunter’s X factor to dropping big game in its tracks! Stick around and we’ll share some handloads to feed the beast, too.

Can’t-Miss Creedmoor
The 6.5mm Creedmoor and its little brother, the 6mm Creedmoor provide accuracy and low recoil.