Jay Langston

Jay Langston’s professional pursuits over the past 25 years include publishing more than 1,500 articles and 2,000 photos that have appeared in hundreds of magazines, newspapers and web sites. He is a recipient of 16 state, regional and national writing awards, as well as winning numerous competitions; from National Field Archery Association titles to NRA matches in Handgun Silhouette, NRA Hi-Power and Small Bore. Langston is an avowed addict to chasing mature white-tailed bucks and long-spurred tom turkeys, which is evidenced by his hunting one or both in 26 states, Canada and Mexico.

Rios and Eastern Wild Turkeys Prove No Match for a Benelli

Follow along as we recall turkey hunts, distant past springs and the progression of turkey gun technology. Benelli was the first with a production pistol-grip turkey gun. The morning’s hunt had turned out better than expected. Noted writer and photographer Ron Spomer and I had set up against a barbed-wire fence next to a creek […]

Rios and Eastern Wild Turkeys Prove No Match for a Benelli Read More »

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